Page 191 - YB1957a
P. 191
Baker, David Dickinson-SOS N. Franklin St .. CRin, Larry Hich..rd-18 Pwpdler Dr.. Baltimore 20, M,1. Wilmin"ton. Del C"~I:~~leR:i~;~.p~"\Lloyd-HO Franklin Ave.. IInker. Ernest Howard-Box 42. New Mid"',,y. M,I lIn~~~";:;.,?,~~~~~.A~~f"nder-l0SWimert A,·e., Ch:!~I.K~~;e:th Kong Sub----Kwan" HWRMoon. t-Iox24. lI"re, Samuel Luther. 1I!_~()1 ShaelTer Ave.. Westminster. Md Bartlett. W"lterR"ymond_203ShKelTerA,·c W""tm;',,,ter. Md llateman. Cleveb'nd Worthin"wn-HY.D. #1 Finhbur". M,I Ra"l<'hman. Rowln,,,1Gwve"-3121 N. Calvert St II"ltimore IS,MeI lIecker. ewrl!''' Jnmes-121 Foster A,'e.. Upper Darby. Pn ConverSO,Michael Frnncis. Jr.-2~12 Baltimore 15, M,I ll""kerman. Oon"ld Edw..rd-4219 Ventnor Ave.. AtianticCiW. N. .1 Cook, SHmuel, Md R""kdt, Thorn,," Alfred_770S Old Harford R,I.. Coolah..n, John Carroll-203 SulliVAnRd" Westmin"ler, Md. II..ltimo .... 14, Mol Crawford, R..ymond Ira. Jr.-1200 Windy Gilte Rd., Bender. JO>l"phFrnnn1s_IIox5, Grantsville,Md. Towson 4. M,l Crockett. Hi.hard Wayne--7117 C"mpfield Rd" Bnltimore7, M,I Crowley, Jam"" Richn"d-165 P~>,ton Rd" York. I'n. CUTlnnder,JRme" Ma"in-235 H;hOOnSt" FranklinS" .. Long Island. N. Y D'An"elo, Oon..I,1Vincenl_3364 WilkeM /\\·e.. lInltimore29, Md David"on, lticha,,1 Dennis_Taney Or.. Taneytown. Md Davie", ThomRS Edward. J,._3530 Milford Mill I(d" Boyd. Beauford Abraham_I03 Sullivan Rd.. We"tminster. M,I llRltimore7. Md Braun. 'rhOmH."HO"'nrd_205 Sullivan Rd.. We"tmin"ter. M,I DaS~~~':;'~r,;::~.W~~~red-205 Marie Ave.. Cal'e Arthur. Brawley. Richard Brightwell_Box 342. l'ikesvilleS,Md. D"wkins, Albert Thomp,on-533 S. Washington St .. Brill. Michnel Mayer-5504 W""ley Ave., Baltimore 7, Md. E,,"ton, Md nrg~1~~O~:uI16~~,;;~ence--3511Fairview Ave.. D..,·. Kenneth C"rlyJe------C"tleu,Va Dc:[~~~~::'r:.l~~~~rd Dave"-2709 Pelham Ave.. Denni., Stanley Edwin-::::I, Berlin. Md Dewey, Willi"m DonBld-1201 S. For""t Dr., Arlin"lon. Va Dicko\·er. Robel" H.-SOl Morris Ave.. Lutherville, Md Cha"e. Lawrence Shawn----6tl Little Silver. N. J COMPLIMENTS OF Bohn Pontiac Sales and Service 192 Penna. Ave. And they have other L,ients, too C01ltpli1lte1lts of Compliments of N eudecher & Sharrer Stewart and Co. One of Baltimore's Finer 119 Pennsylvania Avenue, Department Stores Westminster, Md. Downtown York Road
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