Page 188 - YB1957a
P. 188
Long, Barbara Loui.e-t;6 Lib'(elOn.N_ ,J Luckahau!;lh, Jean Marie-8624 Old Harfo,,1 Rd., Mitchell, Katherine Ann_59 Ch... tnlltSt., Coo]\erSlO"'II,N. Y Baltimore 14. Md Moller, Jill Mar>,Alice-56 Fell. Rd.. Veronn, N. J. Lu<:kllbaugh. Joan Viola_8624 Old Hflrford Rd.. Moreau, Barbara L_6003 Alta Ave" llaltimo...,6,Md Baltimore 14. Md [.tl<:kemier,Carol [.ynn_261 Moun\.Rin Blv,!.. Watch"n", N. J. Mulhan, Joanne hances-ll22CorSuch A,·e.. lJnltimore 18, Md. Lunak. I)"trieia Hin..._500 N. Kenwood Ave., Baltimore 5, ~Ierco,Mrl Nickla., Elh"l>eth Ann-5701 Hu.k Ave.. llaltimore 15, Md. M<:Oonal,l,Mildred Ann-P. O. Box 118, L.Val~, M,I Nuttall, Berth" Joy-8200 Nolte Ave_,Silver Spring, Md MCGu:;:'.;rtaannl~'k~arlene-Route 5, Box 127-C, Offutt, Aline Callender-4779 N_ ,1~rdSt_, Arlington, Vn Orth, LAur" Ann-22 Locust Dr_, Cranforrl, N_ J Mackert, Lin,l.. Mae-16 Cedarwood na.. UAltimore 28. Md O"t"rhrid"e, JoseJ)hine Ellen_Smith'. Parish, Berm'''I'' Mackubin. Mildred Estelle-702 Cator Ave., Baltimore 18. Md Ovcrwn, Ruth Bay"r:liznbethMae-133 SI",le A"... Pileth-2222 W•• tri(l"e ltd.. Timonium, Md May, Betty Ely (MTS.)----41Ce,"ral Ave" Syk""vill", Md. Pette,"en, C..rol Lee-t;4 (l''''hhire ltd.. Tow"oll 4, Md. Ma>" Jacqueline Evora----411I Hamilton Ave_, Baltimor" 6. M,I Phelps, Sbe",· EllelO-11 N. Tremont lid" Congratulations Class oj '57 We invite you to make use of the facilities offered by this store, whether it be to shop with us, to meet your friends at Murphy's. or to seek employment with our Company, in the event that you decide upon a retail G. C. MURPHY COMPANY Westminster's Leading Store Compliments of GRIGG OPTICIANS THE AVENUE BARBER SHOP 43 West Main Street Westminster, Md. 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Tilden 8-6556 Westminster, Md. Fitters and Deeumere of Mcder-n:Spectacles Close to the Campus Consult us about all of your The Choice of the Students Optical problems.
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