Page 171 - YB1957a
P. 171
F. Willis, r.1. L. Maddox, C. Bayliss. CHEERLEADERS MAJORETTES With the addition of six new members, the Under the leadership of Jean Lambertson, 1956-57 cheering squad was once again found majorettes Mary Lou Maddox, Florie Willis promoting school spirit. and new member Charlotte Bayliss enjoyed ,1 The co-captains, Helen Boardman and Mari- busy season. As well ,1S performing in the tra- lyn Eccleston, provided excellent leadership ditional parades and for halftime entertain- for the thirteen cheerleaders throughout the ment, the twirlers joined the band, cheerlead- numerous practices, pep rallies, and games. ers, and pom-pom girls to add color and spirit This year, the cheering squad concentrated on to the pep rallies in Alumni Hall. Many new presenting many new cheers to the student routines and ideas have been added to their body and encouraging students to represent repertoire. \'V.M.C. at ilway games. Perhaps the most vigorous activity of the Due to the endless cooperation of our stu- girls is strutting down 'vlain Street, leading the dents and faculty, a successful year was com- college in the annuual pep rally parade for pleted with spirit running high on the Hill. Homecoming. It was a job well-done, as were all the displays by the majorettes this year. First row, left 10 rig/If: D Deland, 1\1. L. Dorsey, 1\1. Eedeston, A. Campbell, N \Villis. SecDrld row: L. Up- dike, J. Cowlund, It Grubb, K. P'lync, S. \Varren. (Ab- selll: H. Boardllll\n.)
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