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BASKETBALL Western Maryland's basketball team began ball fans saw the team make good use of new and ended the season in a winning way to techniques. These innovations are the product compile a record of six wins and thirteen losses. of Coach Richard Clower, a graduate from the The record may not be one of first division "Hill." caliber, but at times the team displayed a Sloan Stewart, Dusty Msu-tinell, Tom Rtggtn, brand of ball worthy of a championship team. Bill Spaar, and Dick Hoi bruner carried most For the first time in many years, Terror basket- of the load throughout the season. Coach Clower is hoping for a good season next year, with only Dusty graduating. Barring ineligi- bility problems and injuries, next season should see the Terrors field a team worthy of challeng- ing the first division. HlGHLlGHTS OF THE SEASON: the fine game the team played while de- feating Susquehanna. SIO,ln Stewart's being nomina t ed to Mason-Dixon second team. The 36 points Dusty Martinell scored against Loyola while playing his last game on the Gill Gym court. 162
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