Page 170 - YB1957a
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Firet row, left to righl: A. Cumpbcll, I. Cline, M E. weber, J. Nuttall. Second rolV: A. Clel11mitt, N. L. Etzler, J. Luckahaugh, ill. Tomlinson, B. Buggs, \V. Robertson, C. Pettersen, C. Ensor. WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIA nON Creating interest in the field of athletics and Working hand in hand throughout the year, promoting good sportsmanship are the ideals the girls succeeded in winning first prize for of the W.A.A. Each girl on the board sponsors their Homecoming display and assisted in a particular sport in the course of the year sending senior members to the Eastern 'V.A.A The Association also elects the members of the Conference. Also, the board sponsored activ- honorary teams. At the annual fall and spring ities within the group. parties, athletic awards are' presented to those The officers for this year were: Mary-Ellen who qualify. weber, President; Joy Nuttall, Vice-President; It is under the leadership of the \-V.A.A. that Jean Cline, Secretary; and Ardella Campbell, the girls' intramural program is set up. This Treasurer. year the athletic schedule included hockey, Co-sponsors of the "V.A.A. are Misses basketball, badminton, volleyball, tennis, and Roselda Todd and Mar-ie Parker. softball. All girls are encouraged to participate in il11y or all of the sports as they desire. 166
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