Page 172 - YB1957a
P. 172
PEP CLUB POM-POM GIRLS The Pep Club includes those members of Pep and coordination are the stock and trade the student body that are full of vim and vigor of the expanding group of Pom-Pom Girls. In and arc dedicated to furnishing W.M.C. with this, their second year, the Pam-Pam Girls school spirit. Now in its second year, it is have extended their ranks to twenty-four mem- headed by Bruce Lee. bers and under the leadership of Heverly Bos- The club is divided into two main commit- worth, have performed their precision routines tees, namely: publicity, whose members keep on and off Hoffa Field. At the Jolms Hopkins the student body informed of the ac~ivities g,une they marched the nand and per- around campus, and pcp, composed of those tanned routines to ,1 "Dixieland" program. The fortunate people blessed with an abundance of Homecoming Day game performance, though energy. executed from the sidelines, was hailed as an During freshmen orientation week, the club excellent display. sponsored a "mixer" and induced many fresh- The Pom-Pom Girls, dressed in their col- men to become active, participating members. legiate uniforms of white blazers and charcoal This small group has done a great deal to skirts, bring their exhibitions of skill within the stimulate more enthusiasm and interest on the confines of Alumni Hall to assist the cheer- part of the college spectators at athletic events. leaders with cheers and songs at pep rallies The club hopes that it will be a booster to school spirit on all accounts. ~~J~l~~,~)~h~~s~sr~bl"isr~~d t1~:e~~)~~lp~~~HC~·i~o~~ a tradition at W.J\'I.C. First row, left 10 righl: 1'. Dixon, L. Clark, B. Bos- worth, L. Skinner, C. Mer- cey. Second roun M. Hayes, B. Boggs, L. Manning. P Schaefer. Third row: E. Gal- vin,A.JarrcU, 1\I.J. Thomey, S. Phelps. FOUlt!. r(lw: C. Ensor, 1\1. Tomlinson, B Nicklas, C. Burton. Fifth row: D. Brown, J. Board, J. Corby.
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