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Firsl row, lefl 10 right: H. Atkinson, B. ~,:dclifre, T. Braun, L. Bowen, ,\-1.Meyers, It Graybeal, G. Krantz, D. Hess, B. Muhlcnfdd, B. Taylor, L. M?WdklnlS, T. Klenske, H. Glaeser. Second roun S. Dawkins, H. Shorreck, D. Stenley, B. Gn:;csscr, C. Hurlbnnk, B. Fell?ws, D. Baker, B.. Bloome~, B. Werner, F. Combs, H. Brawley, ~: ~~~~~llt~'O~~vJi~;to~: R.e'XW:!n~n~·lte\J;;~~t:cl:~; /F~~:~~~IE'.'tllf~~11~::it \l~:~~r~,~.'1~~:~~r;gJi.~~~}~,; row: ~. Kline, C. Whelpley, ]. Wilke, H. Taylor, K. Nickolas, H. Kennedy, S. Dodson, J. Waghelstein, D. D'Angelo, 1\1. Friedman, H. Levin, P. Skalmski, P. Urquhart, J. Lewis. ALPHA GAMMA TAU Alpha Gamma Tau launched the school year team improved over last year's titlists and in fine fashion, welcoming twenty-six pledges featuring added cohesion, loomed a potent into the fold, the largest pledge class to enter threat. the fraternity in over a decade. The fraternity With May Day only a few months away, a looked to the future with high hopes and great depleted treasury provided a very practical expectations. impetus for a first-rate spring extravaganza, Projects again included the annual float in and plans were laid for this year's Bachelor the Homecoming Parade and the money-mak- dance with much gusto. With a long winter ing tomato throwing booth at the \VUS bazaar. only half over, Spring could not come fast There was a Christmas gift for a needy family, enough. and, on the home front, a grand and glorious First semester officers included President, redecoration project for the clubroom. Gene Krantz; Vice-President, Hon Graybeal; The Inter-Fraternity Football diadem again Secretary, Bob Radcliffe, Treasurer, Ted went to Preachers who won an important and Klenske, Sergeant-at-Arms, Pete Urquhart. Mr. heartbreaking 6-2 decision midway through Frank Hurt, the sage custodian of the Political the season. The basketball loop threatened to Science department and the grandest Bachelor be a repeat of the same cycle, but a Bachelor of them all, again served as faculty adviser. 124
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