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HOME ECONOMICS CLUB The Home Economics Club provides an opportunity for Home Ec. majors and girls interested in future homemaking to pursue these interests in an informal manner. During the year the dub has sponsored projects and programs of interest to both. Scheduled activities for the year included: a reception for freshmen Home Ec. majors; "open house" given by the girls in the Man- agement House; a fashion show featuring dresses made by the girls in the department; and a talk conducted by W.iVI.C. graduates speaking on the professional opportunities the local group, assumed the office of open to majors in the Home Economics field. president. W.M.C:s club is associated with the Mary- Officers in the W.M.C. club are; Barbara land State Home Ec. Club, which held its Hoot Stanton, president; Betty Flohr, secre- spring meeting here. J oan Duma, a junior in tary; and Nancy Caples, treasurer. First rous: J. Ripple, L. Mason, H. Olson, J. May, ~1. Dorsey. Second row: C. Cates, N. Caples, B. Stanton, J. Chase, B. Flohr, E. Lawson. Third row: J. 'Yantz, M. Mcfkmuld, J. Harrington, L. Hazelip, J. Roberts, R. Allen, N. Lawson. Fourth row: J. Perkins, A. Voorhees, S. Davison, R. Mallonee, R. Overton, L. Clark, N. Beartnger. Fifth row: B. Crompton, H. Twining, R. Remsberg, A. Palmer, M. Hayes, A. Gettings, A. Crumpacker, J. Leather, wood. Shth TOIl.': J. Corby, A. Crisp, M. Heinle, J. Dumo, B. Hnnt, A. Acree, N. Lindsay, P. Crist. 129
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