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First TOW: J. Seymour, N. Kemmerer, L. Werner, J. Kupraun, N. Penny- pucker, M. Xintns, Secoud row: J Stowell, C. Ridgely. Tl!ird row: F. Benson, M. Janney, \Y. Tribby. Fourth row: P. Werner, M.·W. Pitts. Fifth row: R. Graham, M. Thomey, J. Durno, A. Jarrell, J. Goode, Miss Smith, P. Richter, J. Reck. COLLEGE PLAYERS The College Players is organized aroundn sincere belief in the theatre and the life which, through the head and heart's interpretation, that theatre is capable of re-creating. A group without officers, it is comprised largely of junior and senior students of dramat- ic art, supplemented by a few from the sopho- more class. Under the direction of Miss Esther Smith, the Players give three major produc- tions during the year: a three-act fall play (in 1955, Edward Chodorov's melodrama, Kind Lady), three one-act junior plays in March, and another three-act play, which has become a strong element in the tradition of Com- multitude of activities not listed in any cata- mencement week. Also, each year, the depart- logue, is called up~m each year to mold the ment, in conjunction with the College Choir, Junior Follies into its final form. presents the Christmas program. Basically, this is an organization which Stage settings for all productions are cur- challenges-and continues to challenge long rently designed by Mrs. Joy Winfrey. after graduation. For, no person emerges from The College Players is very much a source the experience of having been a College of continuo~ls campus supply - furnishing Player without the firm conviction that from everything from ersatz grass for fraternity it has come, and will continue to come, one dances to make-up artists for productions out- of his deepest and most rewarding insights side the group. Miss Smith, in addition to a into the maturity and purpose of life. 116
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