Page 116 - YB1956b
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First row; H. Howell, R. Betters, R. Huffines, \V. Tribby, D. Wallace, R. Crush, S. Dice, L. werner, H. Shores Second row: S. Reed, D. Downes, E. Ramirez, F. Robey, D. Kohl, P. Ensor, S. Entwisle, S. Greenherg. 1'/'irri row: \V. Holter, \V. Mowbray, ]. Crowley, D. Harmon, B. Hollinger, C. Gosnell, W. Humbert, E. Finley. Fourth roun ]. Anderson, B. Christian, L. Mayer, S. Phillips, R. Stevens, E. Michaels, W. Slade, ]. May, B. Pipes. GAMMA BETA CHI The GBX Fall Convocation began early and ball programs and preparing, with the Phi lasted long. It was too soon in the year to buy Alph assistance, for "AutumnLeaves,"the 1955 books, the vision of the slimmer spent with the CBX-'sponsored Homecoming dance, They worshipful-eyed home-town girls was already were assisted nobly by the eleven newly, beginning to kick itself into the past, and some- acquired pledges. body said we might move into our new club- Further activities included the ever-enjoy- room in September (see later entry for correc- able Christmas party with the other members tion of this administrative error). As is cus- of the family pasture, the Phi Alpbs: gifts of tomary, the local Home'for Decrepit Infantry- food and toys to needy families; support of men opened its withered ears to unstained tales intramural athletic events; the acquisition of of summer fortune at the seashore and billfold a new clubroom (in January) in the basement dissipation in the padded hutments and pup of Daniel MacLea Hall; and, during the latter tents of summer camp. half of the year, we continued to provide A rumor had it that there were a few de- monthly entertainment of patients at the fenseless freshman girls scheduled to enter our Springfield Mental Hospital. cruel gates of liberal education, so a number we now wish to express our congratulations of the brothers sacrificed countless jobs and and appreciation 'to those among us who, as families to return early as advisers and officials. freshmen, aspired to graduation, and now, as These, aided by engaged and pinned among seniors, trailing all manner of honors, have them, shuffled through the campus selling foot- truly "made it." 112
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