Page 118 - YB1956b
P. 118
PI ALPHA ALPHA "Change" has been the keynote for the 1955- hot dogs and cokes-the frat's greatest money· '56 Black and Whites. The members of the making venture. At football and basketball fraternity returned in the fall with new ideas games we were heard melodiously screaming: and a desire to bring about some alterations "000'11 have a hoot doggie?" in a frat plagued by outside under-estimation. Christmas was the scene of the annual To begin with, there was a greater emphasis Sigma party and, as usual, it was a real success. on sports. In Intramural football the Black and Outnumbered two to one by our sisters, the Whites carne close to grabbing the champion- Black and Whites sat through an evening of ship, finishing second in the frat league. candlelight when the fuses, locked up in the Basketball proved much tougher and the R.O.T.C. department, blew quite unexpectedly. squad could hope only for a berth in third The biggest change took place in the frat place. Showings in both these activities were room. A complete Face-lifting was performed, improvements over earlier performances. with the addition of a party counter, new Bidding was another success as we received speaker's rostrum, and paint applied to the fifteen new members into the fold last Novem- side walls. ber. These helped greatly in filling the vacan- Senior members, at the end of their final cies brought about by last year's graduation. year of membership, have a great amount of Pi Alpha Alpha became synonymous with definite success to look back upon. First row: J. Morton, D. Yeoman, H. Waxman, R. Creen, T. Carrid, M. Leftwich, \V. Snyder, B. Vidi, R. Close. Second row: F. Rausch, S. Amass, R. Jones, H. Gendason, T. Stew"rt, P. Jackson, H. \Villen, J. Hcter, H. Wah, It McCormick. Third roun D. r.,files,D. Lotz, S. Dennis, R. Buterbaugh, C. \Villen, R. Bartl, G. Douglas, D. Bailey, T. Llewelyn, R. D:tVld<::ol'.
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