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Company A The first Senior Unit of the Reserve Officers Two years of Military Science are required Training Corps at Western Maryland College for graduation, but students desiring to con- was established in 1919. Since that time, tinue may be selected by the PJvI.S. and T. Western Maryland has trained young men to and approved by the President of the College, take their places as officersin the U. S. Army to complete the full four-year course. The in times of national emergency.ColonelRobert graduate is eligible to receive a reserve com- J. Speaks is the Professor of Military Science mission as a Second Lieutenant in the United and Tactics. His staff includes Major Edgar S. States Army. Waugh; Captain Leslie D. Carter, [r., Master During the first year the cadet studies Sergeants James V. Murray, George J. Brom- organization of the Army and n.O.T.C., well, and Archie C. Allgtre, Sergeant First individual weapons and marksmanship, Amer- Class James A. Sawicki. ican Military History and drill. Map reading, The Department of the Army prescribes the crew-served weapons, gunnery, and drill are course of study to be followed by the cadets. studied the second year.
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