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IOTA GAMMA CHI We Iotes spent most of the first few weeks We held our Christmas banquet at Schct- of school decorating and arranging furniture tie's and concluded the same week with a in our new and larger clubroom in the base- Christmas party for needy children in West- ment of McDaniel. Winning third prize on our minster. Homecoming display was reward enough for Second semester had its usual activities, in- the long and late hours spent on this project. cluding the basketball and bridge tournaments. Most of first semester was spent in making Many hours were spent in preparation for the a success of our project of selling stationery Rush Tea and the Rush Party at Big Pipe and greeting cards. We also attempted to pro- Creek Park. We all came back from the Rush vide food, gifts, and clothing for the under- privileged here in the college community as Party in good spirits, in spite of the bruises well as in outlying areas. and aching muscles. At Thanksgiving, the Iotes supplied a needy Amidst caps and gowns and final exams, the family in 'Westminster with a basket of food Iotes concluded the year with a party for the and also sent about twenty books to the chil- graduating seniors, with memories of another dren's ward of one of the Baltimore hospitals. year as the "Sisters of the Saber" behind us. Sealed: B. Stanton, M Hargett, K. Hole, S. Burkins, R. Dickson. Sta1!(li"g; /1.1.Pott, M. Lewis, J. Lewis, P. John- son, P. Saunders.
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