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JEAN MAE NICODEMUS Pikesville, Maryland Sociology toto Gamma Chi 2, 3, 4, Correspolldillg Secretary 3; flame Eco- namics CI/I.b1, 2; So/tbaIl1; [unior Follies. One of the "J" trio of Blanche Ward .. Early morning dates with .lchn .. One of the McKinstry girls ... Satisfied Soc. major. Piano player of note ... Cartwheelcd to fume in the Junior Follies ... Mother of 50 kids during summer. JUNE PARKER'/ Exmore, Virginia Music la/a Gamma Chi 3, 4: Glee cu: 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. J; Choir 2, 3, 4; French Club J, 2. Long-suffering music major ... Member of Onion Hal! Crew "Should 1 cut my Saturday classes and go home?" ... Chairman of knitting committee even though hasn't mastered the art ... Claims un accent. from Eastern Shore of Vu .... White dress and wedding hells in near future. CHARLES CDWAHD PHIPPS Salisbury, Maryland Economics Della Pi Alpha 2,3,4, President. 4; Basketball 2, 3; Track 2; Intra. mural Football, Baslutball 2, 3, 4. Proud of Eastern Shore heritage ... Active preacher with Presi- dential tendencies ... Known as P.P. (Pete Pihos). 35 on Frat football team. . "¥a!! l" . Buzz(s tormentor. "Help get out of here" .. One of Fergy's swishcrs ... constantly searching for his glasses ... Singing waiter in dining hall ... Army sentence after graduation ... Marriage soon on docket.
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