Page 50 - YB1955a
P. 50
MAXINE MULL Aberdeen, Maryland Chemistry Tri Bela 2, 3, 4; French. Club 4; Bcsketboli.L, 3; Archery 1. "Mack" . Member of that Friday night club. . "No, I won't play bl ldge-but you might convmca me" .. Crazy about elephants. Snafu. WIles away her time m lab .. Fanatic when it comes to not writiug letters . . Afternoon naps and late hours. MARY JAIVE MUNSON Lincoln Park, New Jersey Sociology lola Gamma Chi 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. 1,2,3,4, Cabiuet L, 2, 3; Wesley. aneUes 1, 2, Secrelarr 2; M.S.M. 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2; Junior Follies. "Munson". . Claims an)' and every part of New Jersey as her home ... "But who'll take care of the gold fish ?" ... Notorious statistical inability ... Plans to use "Earpology" in U.N. job ... Chief con- spirator in McKinstry, 1951 .. Extremely adept La spying. The other hall of the four year room-mate plan. BARRY DANIEL MURPHY Westnlinster, Mnrylund Sociology Della. Pi Alpha 3, 4. Transfer from George Washington U.... Additional studies: Uni- versity of Korea-USMC 1,2,3,4.. Discontented soc. major Likes it in Vetville. One of the well- fed married men Ex. member of the Legion crowd ... Favorite expression is unprintable .. Sprouted a gray hair in 11 Makosky course ... Skipper Thorn. ton's starboard-hand man .. Housewife and chef.
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