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BARRY PICKUS Baltimore, Maryland Economics, Pre-Dental Bela Chi, Correspollding Secretary 4; Pershing Rifles 1, 2; French Ctub 1,2; I.R.C. Vice-President 2; l ntrumurc], Sports 1, 2. 3, 4; Freshman Advisory Council 3. Rochester bound ... Interested In a second hand plano "Field strip that rifle, Son!" WIi! be the on!v "Ccnernl" Dentist III the world. Half owner of a car? ... Ninth ruun on the Cumma Bets football squad ... "Is this the right way?" . Plans to attend dental school in Baltimore. CHETCHEN EDITH PIERSON Andover, New Jersey Sociology Della Sigma Kappa, Chaplain 2, Bnsiness iltwwger 3, Vice-President 3, President. 4; IlIlersororil.y Coullcil 3, 4, Vice-Presidellt 3, Presi. dent 4; Volleyballl, 2, 3; lunior Follies 3; May Day Court 2. "Cretch" ... "Well 1 don't know" .. Spends half of her time waiting for the Navy . "Sometime in June" ... "Sure, I'm taking lazybones! !" ... Loves kids .. "The worms are lost" .. In ten years will still be trying to complete Soc. collateral reading ... Has held a few offices in Dells. KAY MARJLYI\' rOCl·1 Washington, D. C. Sociology tota GUll/lila Chi 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 3; S.C.A. /,2,3,4; COLD Bue.!; W.A.A. .!,2,3; L.S.A.l,4. Marks the days off the calendar until graduation ... "The scenery sure was nice lit Andrew's swimming pool" ... Haunts the mail box ... Occupant of "the fish bowl, McDnniel" . Ardent follower of sports. On those dead week ends, "Washington, here I come!" .. Bridge until 2:00 A.M .... "Tonight I'm REALLY going to study" ... "The CrilJe? O.K.". . "Seen anyone interesting?"
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