Page 47 - YB1955a
P. 47
LOUIS HENRY MANARIN Washington, D. C. Economics Pi Alph.a Alpha 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Argonauls 3, 4; S.C.A. 3, 4; B.S.U. 3, 4, President 4; Wesleyalls 3, 4; Sunday Fdlowslu:p 3, 4; Junior Follies. "Lou" ... Been stationed here since transfer from Valley Forge Military College ... Rooms with the Colonel in the Military Build- ing ... Famous for being treasurer of everything ... He says he's a Southerner ... Ask him where he spent summer camp week ends . One of those Dean's Listers, and he actually understands accounting. SAMUEL LEE MANN Westminster, Maryland Economics Alpha Comma Tau. 2, 3, 4; F.A.C. 3; Lacrosse 1,2; Black and While 1,2,3,4. "Sam" ... Confirmed Bhuddist ... Half of the nicest husband-wife team on campus Ex-boarding student-9 weeks in the Bat Chamber. Chairman of the Bourbon and Classical Music Society ... Only person in the world who comes from Finksburg. Authority on Pogo and science fiction. . "Got a cigarette?" . Father of the Mann's offspring. JAMES MAYBERRY MARSHALL Charlotte, North Carolina Economics Camilla- Bela Chi 2, 3, 4, Bela 4; Call 1, 2, 3, 4; Pershing Rifles J, 2; GOLD BUG J, 2, 3, 4, Business Manager 4; Orchestra 1, 2; l ntronucrals 2, 3, 4. "Hairy" .. Sarcastic juggler of Camma Bel Books Ex-Cntons- viilian-c-will vouch for the South. Hnrd-charging commander of the late Company A . Bends the elbow with Doc nurl Harrison .. Helped Brouillard brenk par ... Kept the COLD Buc in the red ... Made noise at Pl. Meade. . Camel promoter.
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