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LARRY STUART CRIST Silver Spring, Murylnnd Latin, French Della. Pi Alpliu, Chaplaill 2,3; Recording Secretary 4; Carroll Clu.b, President. 2, 4; French. Club, Treasurer 2, Vice-President 3, Prcsulcct 4; Classics Club, Vice-President: 2, President 3; Argollauts 3, 4; junior Follies. One of the B.Y.O.L. boys ... COll11'11onsight at parties since the "reformation". . Thomistic lectures ut all hours "Gol an y nickels?" ... Nune est bibendum .. Early riser ... Bagpipes and Bach ... Summer camp casualty-the one-armed bandit .. Fr-iend of Joshua Banzewitz, the J9-year man Toasted cheese sandwiches deluxe .. "Take it easy". EMORY HORACE DAVIS, JB. Westminsler,Maryland Economics Master Sergeant 011 four years leave from Hl"Iny ... A February graduate. . Found his wife while sojourning in Europe ... Back 10 the arm)' and a pension soon. . \Vas sure glad he took logic. \'({MC's authority on Karl Marx Supports the Grille on his coffee purchases. HAROLD RA YMOl\'D DAVIS Princeton, New Jersey Psychology Beta Chi 1, 2, 3, 4; Alpha Kappa Alph.a; 2,3,4; A four year mall on the soccer and tennis ten ius The hope of the GBX basketball team .. Destined for the ministry. Noted for sarcastic wit Well versed on campus eligible dales-a different one every time. Champion Piug Pong paddle wielder Loves to sleep throughout the day.
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