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BETSY ANN BOWEN I Salisbury. Maryland Physical Education Sigma Sigma. Ton 2, 3, 4; Homecoming l; Hockey J, 4; Badmin/on 1, 2, 4; Basketballl, 2, 3, 4; 1,2,4; Softball I, 2, 4; W.A.A. CoIf Mal/ager 4. "Bets" "Are you kidding?" ... One of the three Mcffaniel merry widows ... Always eating potato chips. True Eastern Shoreman "I can't keep my eyes open" . "How long does bivwak last?" "I move the meeting be adjourned" .. One of the Preacher gals . Member· of the cat lab crew. IUCHARD FLOYD BRENNEMAN Stewartstown, Pennsylvania History Pi Alpha Alpha, President 4, Treasurer 3; In/.erfrnlem£ly 4; Alpha Kap/m. Ali)'/.(( 4; The Philosoph (Editor 4),. Argonauts 4; Su.1I.4ay Fellowsh.ip 1, 2, 3, 4, President. 3; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. 3, Wes/eyans I, 2; [unior Follies; Bond 1,2,3; French. Club; In/ra. murals 3, 4; Who's Who 4. "Dick" .. "Going to church Sunday?" ... Whitfleld disciple . Never got below an "A" in four years of classes .. Benign smile ... Eats ice cream with a shovel .. Contributes his old "Upper Rooms" 10 the Heathen in the Bat Chamber ... Was once seen in bed ... Washed up on Nothing Atoll . Walks like he left his plow in the Grille. MARTIN GILBEHT BROADHURST Bethesda, Maryland Physics Rifle Team. 2, 3, Cap/ail! 4; Camma Bela Chi 3,4, Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Mell'~ Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Choir .~, 4; French. Clnb 2. "Marly" .. 1053 "firecracker Phantom" . "\'\'henl was snow. bound, working in Idaho last summer" ... Enjoys singing, hUllting. and fishing .. Hates dining hall food, but is usually last to leave "Two teas, please" . Plans to be married in June ... Career in physics research.
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