Page 29 - YB1955a
P. 29
BARBARA CAROLE BULL Baltimore. Marvland History of AI"I Wom.en's Glee Club 3, 4; Argol/{.!Ii!.1 3, 4; Wes/Illiusler Fellowship 4; Class':cs Club 4. Hopes to go to graduate school ... Enthusiastic Ian of Dr. 1\11"ac· Donald's art exhibits Spends wcekends in Baltimore ... Ability to apply brush to canvas with colorful results . The only history of art major ill the senior class .. Will be remembered by all. CLOHIA EMMA BUl\'TlNC Bnhimore, Maryland Home Economics Sigma Sigma Tau. 2, 3, 4, Chaplaill 3, Pvesident 4; Argonauts 3, 4; Trucipcter; Home Ec. Club 7,2,3,4, Presiden/. 3; Tri Beta 1,2,3; {\LOllA 4; College Players 2, 3, 4; F.r.A. 4; l unior Follies 3; S.C.A. J, 2, Caliille/, 2; 3; Who's IFho 4. "C. B." . The harrowed homemaker . Survived the M.H. seigc .. Femme fatale of the Jr. Plays-Bang, bang .. Was seen trying to catch up with legal ilge in OCCiln City once '. Brains behind the Folly scenes . "Think it's fur coat weather yet, Gil"ls?" .. "Char. how do you spell . " THOMAS EDWARD CARRICK Bultimore, Maryland English; American Culture Pi Alp/U/, Alpha; S.C.A. 2,3,4; M.S.M. 2, 3, 4, PreshiclI/, 4; Classics Club 2, 3, 4, Secceua-y, Treasurer 3; fI1ell'$ Glee Club 2; College Choir 2, 3, 4; Sill/day FellolVs/rip 2, 3, 4; Wesleyalls 2, 3, 4; Rifle Team. 2; l unior Follies 3. Some call him Catibou-c-Most call him Tom .. Transfer from B.J.e. and gels OUI vote fOI Just being utce A singer of note and went nowhere on Nothll1
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