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RICHARD L. DURST Romney, \Vest Virginia Economics Alpha Gamma Tan 2, 3, 4; Foo/,ball 2; SOccer 3; Baseball 2, 3; Pershing Rifles; Drill Team; Intramural Baslfetball 2, 3, 4, Football 3,4, Track 2, 3; Economics Clnb 2. "Rowdy Dick" ... Transfer from Md .... One of the Florida Five Drive" a green Pontiac convenihle Once known for his kicking ability .. ROTC grad, Korean vet ... Well steeped in Bachelor tradition .. Member of Old· Times Club of \V.M.e. Known to have a vociferous beer. MILDRED HODGES ECKARDT Towson, Maryland English Sigma Sigma Tan, Chaploin 2; Trumpeters; S.C.A. J, 2, 3, 4, Sec- relary 3, Vice.Pre.~idellt4; Sunday Fellowship 2, 3, 4; Wesleyal/eues 1,2,3,4; Cla.!s Secretary 3; Closs H£storiol/. 4; French. crllb 1, 2; Argonauts 3, 4; F.A.C. 3; F.TA. 4; Who'$ Wh.o 4. "Milly" ("With a Y") ... Campus religious leader .. Stately brunette .. Hard-working English major.. Survived Honors Seminars .. Always on the WHy to a meeting ... Dressed up Nothing Atoll .. "Pass the butter, please" Enjoyed practice teaching experiences. BARBARA ANN ECKHARDT Glyndon, Marylnnd Psychology Dcfla Sigma. Kappa. 2,3,4, Alumnae Secretary 2, Sergealll, (It Arms 3, Secretary 3; }I/,/Iiol Follies; Ililersororil.y 3; ALOHA Staff 4. "Eck" ... A shrew that was tamed. . Conditioned inuuuniry to alarm clocks Prefers Infirmary to oral reports. Will party upon occasion ... Studied once . . Burns midnight oil to read mysteries. A psyc. major who isn't psycho ... Member 01 cal' stalling crew. . Learned fine art of baseball in spite of self.
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