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LOUIS DENTON BUSS Washington, D. C. Psychology Gamma Be/a Chi 2, 3, 4; Band 2; College Players 4. "Denny" ... Thoroughgoing goof-off ... Weekend snilor . "There we were+-chnpel in two hours and not a bit of wind" . Enthusiast of music, art, and rides in the country. . Frequent trips 10 Baltimore for pizza ; Washington [or Jazz ... "Blissmohile" for a handy place to have a party . . Plans to try art school, or will it be seminary? JANET ETHEL BOLLER Thurmont, iVlaryland Sociology lola Gamma Chi Correspollding Secretar-y 2, Recording Secretary 3, Social Chairman 4; french Club J, 2; Girls' Glee Club 1, 2; L.S.A. I, 3, 4; Orchestra. 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Follies 3. "Jan" ... Exist through winters so to live in the summers . One of the "J" trio of Blanche Ward ... One of Earp's wonders Cartwheeled in Nothing Atoll . Professional waitress and scrub woman ... Destination-Europe. . Frustrated art major Fiddles around ill the orchestra. ALVIN MAYNAfW BOPST Frederick, Maryland Economics Football I, 2, 3, 4; Delta PI; Alpha 2, 3,4; Basketbali l , 2, 3, 4. "Albie" . Could be great athlete, but . Always too busy to do anything ... Picture continually found on bulletin board ... Fond collection of pets (skunks, rabbits, etc.) Pays to have bed mnde .. Annoying but. extremely likeable "I'm really great" After gruduaticn and service expects to be supported by father on country estate.
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