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SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS St(lndillg, lejt. /0 right· J. Whilehur.l, President; E. Cline, Vice·Presidenl. Sealed: M. Rigterink, Secretary; !II. Eckardt, Historian. NOI show,,; H. Posey, Treaslu'cr. Senior Class \Ve stand now, after four hard years, at the new dorm. We had more to do, did less, and brink of gmduation. Strange isn't it; each of us attained the legal age. Dr. Marshall was ill thought at one lime or another that he'd never Greece. We became the officers in our dubs and make it. got paid for ROTC. Then the flag raising rebel- As Freshmen, we entered Western Maryland lion which got us nowhere. This was college? like lions. We got in the way at the Vetviile fire, Our senior year found us as the campus lost the tug of war, and had a championship Ioot- leaders. Finally the new highway was opened. ball team. We stayed up aU night to catch Hop. kins vandals and got out early For Christmas. Old Main survived Hurricane Hazel. Coffee prices Couldn't wait to start the next year. This was in the Grille were lowered to eight cents, and late college! leaves were extended to eieven-fi lteen. We pruc- rice t!Hlghl, played Frisby, got engnged, hated Our sophomore year was tougher. Where was school, and counted the days till graduation. Dean free, and who was this new guy? Ike was elected. Wesnurlecl at the freshmen and then lost Before long Spring came with Craduute Record the tug of war. Hell night came and went. We Exams, Investiture, Lantern Chain, find the Rose revolted against the Administration; Charles Cup Ceremony. We bought our uniforms; we Laughton spoke; and we got our worst marks. rented our caps and gowns. Then it was over- College! over so soon. This was college, and it 1I)(/S great! In spite of ourselves, we have learned a lot; ill Then we were Juniors. Some or our friends spiteof our complainine, we have had the greutest didn't make it; others took their places. Still no times of our lives.
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