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P. 124
DELTA PI ALPHA The Preacher Fraternity held its initial meet- farm at which time the second semester's officers ing of the college year with Charlie Phipps, Pres- were formally installed. They were Ronnie Jones, ident; Ronnie Jones, Vice-president; Larry Crist, President; Charley White, Vice-president; Ken Secretary; Jack Tumey, Treasurer; Brad Jones, Smith, Secretary; Walt Sanders, Treasurer; Chaplain; Bill Stewart, Sergeant-at-Arms ; and Harold Mcf.lay, Chaplain; Bun Thomas, Ser. John Bnsrista, Corresponding Secretary, in the geent-et-Arms , and Larry Hall, Corresponding leading positions. Dr. Thomas F. Marshall was Secretary. Honored guests were Captain Thomas back with us again after a year's leave of absence 1 horn ton, Captain Leslie Carter, and Dr. Reuben to teach in Creece. As initiation time carne upon Holthaus as well as Dr. Thomas Marshall, our us we found we had twenty-five new members. sponsor. During football season the Preachers saw many of their brothers playing on the varsity team, but Getting into the social swing, the Preachers the other members were not to be forgotten. TIley gave several parties during the year and climaxed emerged champions of interfraternity football. the year by sponsoring the May Dance. Preced- The booth which we sponsored at the WUS ing the dance, the club held open house and we]- Bazaar in January consisted of movies. The club corned back many old friends. also made lIlany other contributions to the cam- Sunday night television was still the fad and to pus during the year. meet the need, a new television set was purchased. 6.TIA held its first semester banquet at Frock's The Purple and Gold provided much competi- First row, lelt 10 richt Il. Jones. C. Phipps, L. Crist. Second row; J. Turney, J. IJatista, W. Stewart. 122
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