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Some a.clivc members of Il ussell's U. N. club. evidence that we were supporting a little Korean The banquet for the new officers and second girl. We also contributed to many other needy semester pledges was held at Frock's. Basketball families and sent flowers 10 hospitals. ' and the bridge tournament provided intersorority With second semester came the installation of competition. The freshman tea and "hobo" hitch the new officers: Barbara Harding, President; gave us the opportunity to get to know some of Mimi Whitfield, Vtce-preeidem: Shirley Gootee, the girls on the "Hill." Secretary; Jean Wantz, Treasurer; Ellen Placht, The senior banquet ill May closed another Sergeant-at-Arms ; Jo Siehler, AlulIlnae Secretary never-to-he-forgotten year in the memory of the and Sharon Albaugh, Chaplain. sisters of Phi Alpha Mu. 1.17
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