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SIGMA SIGMA TAU We Sigmas began another promising year with Senior Court Attendant and claimed them as our the acceptance of twenty new members. . the best baby skunks ever. Much 10 our surprise, we were awarded the The officers for first semester were; President, Scholastic Cup .. a fitting tribute for long hours Gloria Bunting ; Vice-president, Doreen McNeil; of study. Secretary, Irma Lee Hohmann; Treasurer, Mary By popular request, we continued our Sigma Lou Arnie; Intersorority Representative, Nancy calendar project to finance Care packages. The Ripple; Alumnae Secretary, Mary Warren; Ser- busy clicking of needles was heard at Tuesday's 'geant-at-Arms, Nancy Kemmerer; Sunshine Mes- meetings as experienced knitters struggled with senger, Jean Wooten; and Chaplain, Mary poor beginners to finish their squares for the Warner. afghan. Did you have any trouble keeping sheets With a great deal of enthusiasm, we worked on your bed this semester? The Sigmas were on together to make Homecoming a success. With the rampage for sheets which they ripped into the help of our brother fraternity, we built a float bandages for the Red Cross. which brought us the third prize ribbon. For this To celebrate the yuletide season, we had our event, we had to step aside and watch the Black annual Christmas party with the Black and and Whites lake the blue ribbon. We pointed Whites. This year we went caroling together and with pride to the Homecoming Queen and the had an old fashioned taffy pull. Our OWIl Sigma First row, left 10 right: 1\1. Justice, n. Cocb, B. Ford, 1>1. L. Arnie, C. Bunting, D. McNeil, 1. Hohmann. C. Ballm, D. Tuckwood, P. Hannncrsly. Second row: B. Phillips, N. Bearinger, A. Jarrell, A. SUJlmwrs,). Kapraum, L. Skinner, J. Harrington, 1\1. Wel,b, M. Stewart. H. Colley. F. Chirichillo, 1\1. J. Thomey, C. Coleman, 1\:1. L. Younger. Third raw' J. Luckabaugh, C. Bingham, N. Ripple, V. Quinn, D. Rack, B. Crompton, J. Goode, M. W. Puts, F. R. Riddinger, N. Kemmerer, S. Dorsey, B. Bowen, A. Griffey. Fourlh row: J. Parrish, M. Shader. M. Weber. r P. Pate, K. Service, 1\1. Warren, K. Schade, N. Caples, 1\1. Crist, S. Price. C. Windish, 1. Taylor, 1\1. Eckardt.
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