Page 126 - YB1955a
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First row, felt 10 right: J. /I\arshall, .r. LaMar, R Pick lIS, C. Schmall, C. Clarke, Dr. McDonald, E. Smith, R. Et'l.lcT, J. Harrison, J. Mouninger, R. Huffines. Second row: /II. Broadhurst, A. Hagenbuch, H. Taitt, R. Davis, J. Eckhardt, J. P. Posey, D L Werner, C. Hughlett, E. Third row: E. Ramorez, D. Osgood, D. Hannon. D. Downes, Tribby, R. Beucrs, Shores, G. Oipe, S. Greenberg. row: C. Keighlon, H. Howell, B. Crush, D. Autn,an, J. Crowley, P. Robey. S. Enlwisle, S. Reed, K. Griffith, D. Kohl, W. Humbert, J. Saudosky. GAMMA BETA CHI Gamma Beta Chi started ofT the new school in the clubroom, and the next week nineteen year in rousing fashion with an informal meeting pledges were added to the fraternity roster. They at the VFW post in Westminster. Stories of Fort became full-fledged Gamma Betes after living Meade and other summer experiences were ex- through Pledge Week and "Hell Night". changed. Here, late acquisitions of the last school All of the Gamma Betes contributed heartily to year were celebrated; the seA cup and our brand the sale of programs at the horne football games, nell' sponsor, Dr. William A. MacDonald. and entered into the spirit of the holiday season The first project of the year was a successful by promoting the sale of Christmas cards 011 party at frock's. GBX sponsored and put on a campus. pep rally along with their sister sorority, Phi just before the Big Vacation, GBX's Phi Alph Alpha Mu, before the Dickinson game. The sisters were feted at a Christmas Party ill the annual Homecoming banquet at Schotties brought clubroom. In honor of the arrival of Santa Claus, back mnny Gamma Bates of former days on the some of the more energetic brothers rearranged "Hill". the furniture again. Everyone had a good time at the annual smoker As one of the festivities before the vacation. 124
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