Page 95 - YB1954
P. 95
Company C Queen and her court were escorted by the Bat- RIFLE TEAM talion Staff and Company Commanders of the This year's team was composed of 18 men Cadet Corps. In the spring, the Military Ball under the coaching of Sergeant McRoberts and was sponsored by the cadets, who put tireless direction of our captain, Fred Hubach. effort into the preparation necessary for a sue- In shoulder to shoulder matches we had a cessful dance. record of three wins and five losses. "Goose" The value of the Reserve Officer Training Lambertson was high scorer with a 273 average. Corps to the individual student, to his college, In the second army match we placed tenth out and to his country cannot be too strongly empha- of 65 competing teams, shooting 7141 out of a sized in times such as these. In the past, West· possible 8000. Fred Hubach was high man with ern Maryland has provided the Army with fine a 734 out of 800. officers and in the future will continue to teach We have qualified for the national match and her men not only the necessary knowledge but are looking forward to making a successful the qualities of good leadership which are essen- record. The present range is to be renovated and tial to the national security. should help the team's showing considerably. 1st row: F. Hubach, P. Lambertson, D. Titlow, N. Gwynn. 2nd row: Sgt. McRoberts, T. Couse, R. Graybeal, D. Hen. sler, C. Taylor.
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100