Page 64 - YB1953
P. 64
ANNE CLIZA BETH SM UTNY Canterburv Club J, 2, (>'" etarv-rrcosurer 2); Clee Ctub I, IPcsleyunettes 2, 4; 2; luuior Follies; 1. "Annsie" .. Major: SOt::,-minor: bldl sessions " Staunch Ne\\' Yorker Ardent theatre and opera Ian . Hates to get up for breakfast . Shiny black hair, Always ready for a laugh. Loyal Canterburian, Main friendship .. Summers spent with kids ~1Il(1 their capers. gol to go study." CARL FRANKLIN SNYDI~R Orchestra 1, 2; Pershing Rifles 3, 4; Officers' Ctub 4; French Clllb J, "Snyder" Day hop. , . Pilots black '51 Ford . Found in day- room or grille when not in class . Flunks militarv tests with 9Q's ... Custodian of pinochle deck and light bulbs of day-room "He who travels alone travels fastest," although it's nice to be slowed down . , . Plans career in induSlr) after Army service. DOHOTHY iVIAC STACKHOUSE .I, 2, 3, 4; cu; Club I; French. Club!; S.C.A. I, 2, 3, 4; Follies, "Dottie" . Oh, no-a rendhcnd! .. Ivice long hair lndividu. alistic . One of B.W.'s pranksters who looks so innocent Consen'alive nature, but goes wild occasionallv Passion for crosswords aurl cOllnoisscurs «l crochet l.carned fhc Imrd \If!) that brick walls arc illlpassable. . Pri~,e package is "Kris" Fine nature and insatiable (;ul·iosit)'. "Drop dead." 64
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