Page 67 - YB1953
P. 67
JOI·IN HAWKES TRAI3AND Alphn Comma Tan; Lacrosse. Transfer from SI. jehu's. Anuupulis ... Socrates lndiscriminatc uud vigorous lover-philosopher ... Nietzsche, laissea-iaire capitalism and chh-opractory devotee Econ. major with a Hair for deals With roonuunte. makes going concern of "dog" business. Radical Bachelor Mainstay defensive lineman on unbeaten frat team .. Noted limp and shoot technique in lacrosse Fergie's favorite boy. MARGARI~T ANN T[{ICE n: Alpha Mil 2,3,4 (SergeoIJ/.al·Arms 3); Nllr8ery School 3; F.T.A. 3, 4 [Secretary 4); Homecomi.rrg Caliri, 1; I.R.C. (Secretary. Treasurer 4); JIIII/:Ol' Follies. "Annabelle" Sparkling meal ticket from the head waite! '"1'111 not crying, I'm laughing" "Of course !'m getting up for break- fast" . Does "Moore" . Spent semester in the Education deparuneut .. "Anyone seen the box of Bran?" .. Planning sum- mer wedding .. Member of fourth floor M.M. and P.O. dubs. "Shall J put on the pot?" MICHAEL SA BON T1WPP College 2,3; French: Club 1,2,3; ArgOTlullls 1, 2, 3; Bela /)ew Bela 2; Pi Alpha Alpha 2, 3. "The Kid" . "Conrad Nasal" .. Western Nlaryland's answer to Sid Caesar Never passed ~l Physics test . . "You're excused" Loyal Black uud While "Someday, some where. some time ludusu-ious Pre-Med with his eye set on the U. of 1\'1. "Who took the zinc oxide?" 67
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