Page 61 - YB1953
P. 61
L ANNETTE CI·IARI.,Q'nC SCI-IICK /Ju,j"lr.e/./)(l113; Volleyball 3; F.T.A 3,4; Del/a Sigma KUIII}(/· "Nellie" . Neat and petite Has a hankeriug for Harry. Blushes easily . History major Ambilion: 10 have 11 good time .. Baltimorean Loves poodle (logs . Sleeps a Iot . . Came to us from State Teachers College at Towson Gels good marks hut never stuclies . . F"il'e fool bundle of [un First semester praotice teacher. DWIGHT LEWIS SCOTT lJelw Pi A/pflo 2, 3, 4 {Treasurer 4); Footbuill. 2. 3, 4; Trnck 3: Ill/ramural Baske/.ball, SoJ/ball t , 2, 3, 4; Coil, Vol/cyball, Track 2, 3,4. "Scotty" . Versatile product of Arlington . Track mentor Blonde bombshel! . . Rudy's roommate True Southern gentle- Hot piano player ... Hurd ruuning fullback. Preacher stalwart, headed for coaching ,Miss Parker's favorite Phys. Ed. major ., Charley's blind official, . Remcillhers Lebanon Valley game One of the originnl "Chow Hounds", THOMAS MATHESON SCO'I"I' Alpha CO/llllla 1'(111; Officers' Club; illl((lJn(lral Svoru. . Popular tranaier from Kings Point . Thinks Long is the 491h state . Famous horticultllrist, or docs he just work 111the Gardens? "That's not a trap. its nne of Scou's divots" Happily engaged . Company A I:Oll1lll(lllcicr Spanish . , Mainstay of Bachelor sports, "Bo y. could I go for a Pie," 61
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