Page 39 - YB1953
P. 39
EBNEST GHr<:r::N r: Alpha Alpha. "Ernie". Blackmailed his through college (IS photographer. Aspires to be best educated shark ill South Baltimore Frustrated surrealist The poor man's Nash. Favorite indoor sport: whisking plates out from the noses of starving students it , anyone?" . Proud possessor of loudest neckties ill Leon major and student (? I of logic. ELIZABETH ANN Gll£EI~ Sigma Sigm.a Tcu, flome Economics Ctub 1, 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. 1. Ann ... Freckles . Long black hair Turtle neck sweaters Picnics. Goldfish. Vacations in N. J. Loves horses No Saturday classes. Lived in the "Hoose" for six weeks . Sigma calendar Bel Ail' enthusiast "Yep" . "Now, JUSl which one my family do you mean?" ROB£HT ADAMS GRIESMYr::R Oeha Pi. Alpha; French. Ctub I, 2; ALOIlA 3, 4; Glee. Club 3, 4; Choir 4; l anior Foltiee. Tnll, thin Econ. major hailing from Renovo. Pu. Sports green '51 Chevrolet around campus .. "I can't go because I'm sludying for my test next. week" . Staunch supporter uud member of the Preachers. Men's Glee Club and Choir claim us a singer?? . A Northerner who loves Marylnnd.
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