Page 38 - YB1953
P. 38
WESLEY LYNN GEBHARD IJaslrel/;al/ Manager 2, 3, 4; Delta Pi Alpha; /,,,,,,·/,,,,,,,,ily bull 2, 3, Football 3, 4; Alpha Della Pi "\Ves", ,Ardent follower of sporting events here on the Hill . Mcucgcr of basketball team and plays inuamurnl-sports in his [rut .. Very active in the Preachers. Always seen at their famous parties. Die-hard Yankee . CUll confuse in a card Hcligion major. will enter Drew when he \V.M.e. AMBROSIO SALAZAR GRANDEA Choir 2, 3, 4; IRC 2; Men's Glee Clu/; 2, S.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Weslcrans; Alplta Ka/IIJI1 Alplta Alpha. "Jerry" . Artist ill philosophical abstr.n-non : LL5 pounds of hard working gray maLier. "Solved another problem". Emerged from library and overniglu shed his cocoon _ Master in palmistry . Pugilist in and out of ring. Touclson's check mate. Philippines' gift lo \V.M.C.'s imelligentsia . "Stoogenr" of towel wrapped cerebellum filipino lrish Tenor. CAROLYN MARIE CHANT Home Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Camera CI/J/; 1; c« Circle Francais 7,2; Womell's Glee Club 1,2; IXC. 2; S.C.A. I, 2, 3. "Carolina" . Homo Ec. major with emphasis all the horne Friend to all gol{Hish "I did Ill)' good deed for today" Original girl Chnrlci member of 5.1\. Club. Second Majorie Mil15 .' :'Maine-i
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