Page 36 - YB1953
P. 36
SARAH MEH.HILL FISHER Della 2.. ~, (Vice.Presidelil 4. President 4): tnter- 80ro/'/./y S.C.A. 3: Clec Ctub 2; F.T.A. 8; jill/io/ Follies; May Caliri 1, 2, 3; Homecoming COllI"{ 3, 4; ALOIl\ Pholography Editor 4. "Sel-gnl" . Campus beauty with a flail' for the clothes . [Iel ls fa mous story teller ... "Meanwhile, up in art lab' "Eealo, turn out the light!" Chases the ALOII,\ photographer around the campus. . "Oh, Kcrseley, you doll, you". An+icipn- lion of all nl·Loring life "Uh-huh. what'd ya have in mind?" . Ardent Phi-Deli. EDWAHD EUCENE FOOTE Band 2, 3; Orchestra 3; Camera Clllb 2, 3; P,; Alpha Alpha 2, 3. 4, {Vice-President. 4). Ed ... "The Quiet Man" Hails [rom Hagerstown protege _ Avoids unnccessary conversations, but amicahlo Always neatly uuired A defender cf pastels . True Black and \Vhite . Camera addict Swings a mean golf club . Almo~1 lost his mustache to his roommate Evening study interrupted _ "Who's fighting tonight?" CEOHGI~ YEllNON FOWBLE Trnusfor from University of Maryland Pharmacy School Day student from Balfimore . Hinck streak 011 highway usually means lute again Hopes to change Barbara's nrune to his in the spring Likes "Kids" and hopes to hnve a fell' _ Local preacher \\'110 hopes someday to be ordained.
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