Page 152 - YB1953
P. 152
WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Work began early this year. Liule favors participation, sportsrnunship and responsibility- were mucic and distributed to (Ill Freshmen A school champion is the honor given to all indio women. Homecoming was another big Client on vidual who has defeated not only the melllber~ the Hill to which \V.A.A. added color by display- of her own class, hUI also the champions of all ing "The Terrors Settle Another Score" .in a Westminster shop window and winning third other classes. prize. Hockey games were played and awards Again this year the cup will be presented to presented. The season was closed with the the class who has the highest number of points to traditional Hockey Party given hy the hoard their credit, determined by the number of wins, members. losses and ties. As the year approaches its close, All honorary teams are chosen by the board; the \V.A.A. continues to strive in preparation for membership on such a team is based 01\ skill, the years which will follow. 152
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