Page 150 - YB1953
P. 150
SOCCER The Western Maryland Soccer Team, com- haH, losing 7·2. Against C'burg they hattled LO prised of a veteran buckfield and a "green" line ~e!:I~~~e t:;~\\:;le~ll~rii~\~~1t;:~ was a scrappy, fighting outfit. Coached by Mr. :\~~~~I~~~s~c:.;:~~e~I:~ Philip Uhrig, this spirited aggregation faced ninety.eighl minutes. The backfield perforillances some of the best teams in the East. of Pete \Varner, Dave Rhoads, Ray Davis and Al The first game of the season, after only two Hagenbuch were outstanding. The game with weeks of practice, ended in a decisive victory Md. U. resulted in a 2·0 defeat. for the Hillmen at the expense of Loyola of Balti- This year the Soccer Team showed a one more, the final score 4·1. Freshman Bruce Mills hundred percent improvement over last year's showed potentiality by blasting in two goals. tea Ill, scoring fivc Limes as many goals as the After this promising start, the hooters went down 1951 squad. It is hoped that next year will be to five consecutive defeats. III perhaps the best a winning season for the Soccer Team. played game of the season, a very strong Hop. kins team edge \V.M.C. 4·2. [11 the next outing, however, the Green Team was far off form in a poorly played 6·2 loss to Washington College, soon followed by a 4·1. loss to the Universit.y of Baltimore, tile conference champs. Next, the Terrors faced the team which was later voted the best in the nation, Franklin and Marshall, gi\cing them a tremendous balLle even though W.M.e. was beaten 7·2. A 4·1 loss to the U. of Delaware was closely followed by a 1..1 lie with Towson Slate Teachers' College. Goalie Cookie Cohen played a beautiful game lor W.M.C., fighting a strong wind and a determined Towson attack. Thc following day, the Terrors traveled to Lewisburg and ellcountere(1 Bucknell. Two games ill two days were 100 much for the Green and Gold, as they collapsed in the second 150
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