Page 16 - YB1952
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CHARLES ALBERT Basketball3 Faatbld! 1; Blllck lIIul Wbile 2, 3, 4; Biology Club 3,4. in Lab or in "Linle Red Biology major . an ardent Black White enthusiast West- makes frequent sojourns (0 Baltimore good arhlere in interfraternity athletics better known us "Charlie" public speaker with lots of dynamic force friendly and (0 help our with any job ROGER C AULT Rog' English major and future teacher true man of [he drama remembered for his versatile character portrayals before the WMC footlights good marks with seemingly little effort indomitable will ro succeed slow and easy gOIfl£ personality til It always brings him smiling rhrough permanent fixture In the gnlle serious admirer of the arts a great span Mr. Beebe JANE LOUISE BA13YLON Sollblill t , 2, 3, 4; Volfeyba/!; Phi Alpha Mit S"."""·",·A"",, 3. day hop driving blue Dodge through campus with plans for social work Ocean City chaperone girl.. just ask her about the ten days she spent at thoroughly enjoys skiing can be found in the and Earl's ardent Frankie Laine fan Phi who will be missed by all! BARBARA JANE BAUMGARDNER 1,2,3,4; Sigma Sigma or "Lirrle Span" blonde and vivacious with an infeCtious laugh . proud of her Cenysburg heritage musical sparkplug of 'Now And Then" practically a permanem fixture at Levine Hall will long be remembered at Ocean City'S Maryland Inn ,. always . her friendliness and sincerity win her many friends p;lssing German her greatest accomplishment at W.M.C.
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