Page 89 - YB1951
P. 89
The thirty-first year of the Westem Maryland College R.O.T.e. unit found an :tI1.time-high enrollment of two hundred ten cadets. The course of study for military students is pre- scribed by the Department of the AnIlY. The Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Lt. Colonel Robert S. Redfield, is director ancl super- visor of the course. He is assisted by his staff including Lt. Colonel Richard H. Natake ; M/Sg!. Rufus C. Puryear; M/Sgt. Bruce E. Derrick; SFC Charles C. Kelly; SFC Owen T. Stephenson and Sgt. Richard F. Armstrong, all Alnl)' personnel assigned to Civilian Component duty at the college. The course of instruction consists of four years work, the first two of which are require- ments for graduation. Students desiring to luke the last two years advanced course are screened llATT,\LlON ST,\FF and selected for continuation by the P.l\I1.S.&T. Cn». W. Solomon, Lt. Col. R. Eberl. i'lLI'jor L LuthrOll!!l. Completion of the course makes graduates cligi. ble to receive a reserve commission as a Second members at the completion or the first semester Lieutenant of the Infantry. of the Freshman year. This list, compiled by a Students designated as Distinguished Militnry board consisting of both non-military and mill- Graduates may apply for commission in the tary members of the faculty, screens each fresh- Regular Army. Competition for such commis mun enrolled ill R.O.T.e. for his leadership ca pa- siena is keen. This year five distinguished mili- bilities, his academic standings and his desire tary graduates of Western Maryland College to continue in the R.O.T.e. course. The applied for commissions. Two were finally P.M.S.&T. selects students from this list at the selected b)' the Department of the Army: Robert end of the sophomore year for enrollment in the D. Ebert and Wi[]iam E. Davis. ndvauoe course within the enrollment quotas During this period or emergenc)" stu(lents (Ire alloted to the school by the Department of the pinced on a list of prospective udvnncc course Arm)'. Ebert Lalhrounl Buffinglon Solomon Kllnkle l\1t,Cull Rhoads Kraus ,\Ibriltain Fleischer Ilartgi~ i\'larsh HOI)"11H11l1l Winston Sturgill
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