Page 86 - YB1951
P. 86
GIRLS' BASKETBALL The opening of the 1951 girls' basketball sea- nary were guests on the Hill, both teams defeat- son, which took place shortly after Christmas ing Western Maryland in dose competition. The vacation, was met with much enthusiasm as WdS girls also bowed to 51. Joseph's in Emmitsburg evidenced by the number of participants. Two on February 10. The season was terminated by weeks were spent in practice before the class a Play Day held at Hood College on February teams were chosen. The intramural program then 24, in which eleven different colleges participated got under way and the Sophomore girls, having in a variety of winter sports. Our girls were won the championship in 1950 as freshmen represented in basketball and ping-pong. headed the list again this season as victors. The The 1951 honorary basketball team as selected team was composed of Sarah Wilson, Bobby by the WAA board included; Bobby Davison. Davison, Mary Alice Amoss, Nell Hughes, Becky Pat Fetcho, Janel High as forwards; Peg Brown, LeFew, Lois Ohler, Dixie Davis, and Dotty Becky LeFew, Jane Babylon as guards. The Lawyer. The J unior class, bowing only to the alternates were Mary Alice Amoss, Jeane Hoyt, sophomores, look second place. Joyce Schmidt and Lois Ohler. These girls were Having completed the intramural season, the selected on the basis of friendliness, sportsman. girls began a scheduled inter-school program. ship, and good spirit of play. Baltimore Junior College and St. Mary's Semi- Left, 10 right: Lois Ohler, Peggy Brown, Jane Babylon, Barbara Davison, Janet High. Center, Becky LeFew.
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