Page 84 - YB1951
P. 84
Fir$t row: Don Mcohune, joe tla,'cnis, ~ob Wilsey. S.econd row: John i....lallonee, lIIarvin S"igd, Tom DougJa~, Juck Rail, Ray Fuhy, DUI'c Heiberg, "'gr., Leo Lnthroum, couch. WRESTLING Because of an acute lack of reserves and the to assure victory for WMC against Towson. loss of several of the varsity due to injuries, the With another year of experience Faby could de- wrestling season was disastrous for the Terrors, velop into a team mainstay. Sid Albrittain, who although ma ny matches ended in tight scores. was defeated in the heavyweight class, showed :I:he only really bright spot was a 17·15 Will over marked aptitude in his first wrestling season. Towson. Tribute should be given, however, not only III this match Don McShane, wrestling in the to the men on the mats in matches alene, but 121 pound class, fought to a draw, gaining his also to those wrestling partners such as Ken first points of the season. Veteran and captain Hule, Dick Carvel, Tom Douglas, and George Bob Wilsey, at 130 pounds, lost to Spurrier of Deviglus, who served during the much needed Towson, who also defeated Wilsey in the Mason. practice periods, and without whose enthusiasm Dixon Tournament. Joe Ravenis, wrestling in and perseverance the team could not have made the 136 pound class, though he lost the match, the showing it did. showed great possibilities as a team stalwart fer Mason-Dixon champ Bill Kern was coach this next year. 147·pounder john Mallonee, next on year until he was called into the service ill Ianu- the hill, pinned his man. Wrestling fans ma), ary. When Bill left, Leo Lnthroum, former grid expect a continuance of Mallonee's good per· end basketball sial', took over as mentor. He formunce, and improvement, as evidenced by his drove the boys hard at practice and probably excellent showing in his freshman year. had them in better condition than any other team Jack Rail, 157 pounds, also pinned his oppo· in the conference. The job of instructing the nent, and looks to be an excellent bid for the team was left to the more experienced members. next year's championship in his class. Marvin Two of this year's team, Captain Bob Wilsey, Siegel, at 167 pounds, although defeated, was and Sid Albrittain, are graduating, and Frank wrestling in a class too heavy for him-but Wilsey has left for the navy. Therefore, next showed that he, too, will be a real asset to next year's squad will be built around Don McShane, year's team. Joe Ravenis, John Mallonee, Marvin Siegel, Jack Ray Feb y, 177 pounds, defeated his opponent Rail, and Ray Faby. 80
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