Page 152 - YB1951
P. 152
BARBARA ALlCE ROBERTS PHILIP SACK French Club t; Glee Club t, 2; C(wlerbtlry Club 2, S, 'Feill/;S I, 2, J, 4; bU.I/'el/"dl; Commll Bel" Chi. 4; Arls SY»>[JO.,illlll 4. Phil better "Bobbe". brat .. a converted Mcfjaniel- tilc, spends a lot ite. known green eyes and long lashes player on I.he soft spoken ... participant in mid-night gab ses- New Hoehelle . sions of 2nd floor wing. fa moos mitten knitter this shot, Syd" .. ... tiny twinkle toes ... "Hey, let's walk slower" Chi .. drives a ... "Now that's a good question". loyal friend. ustic card player. l\lARY JEAN HUPERT MARY LOUISE SCHANZE ALOHA ,~,4; Juniar Follies 3: I; {nlenororily Represeillal;ve "Sruv. six years of Allan rnnke her a classic aflectionatef y quoted on word mlsapproptlations "Mickie" ... the girl with that infcctuous giggle Deltcomrnittee ol one for unpleusunt jobs ... famous ... last minute education student with plnns to For discount ... major in soc with a minor iIrgrill teach after gruduation. one of the few who old socks as curlers present a puppy dog attend breakfast regularly ... always culling her appearance at bedtime. "I'm not sleeping to curly hail ... constant Dean's lister with time [OJ escape'studying,f'mtircd!" music, drumaiic art, and just plain friends "All gosh, what shall J do now?" PAUL SCHATZBEHC fTA 4; rifle leom I, 2, 3; In"-",,,I. EDMUND JAMES HYDZEWSKI "Sohataie" conscientious chem major ... Deun's PTA "; /",,,lce/baIl2, 3, 4; foal/wit 3, 4; Della Pi AIl''''' lister plans to teach .. an individualist with a pas- Transfer from U. of !\ld. as a sophomore .. known sion for science ask him about the "New Science to all as "Ed" ... marr-ied. but lived on the Hill of Mental Health" .. favorite hangouts are grill after "Boots" gruduated ... future teacher . and chem lab. partialtoStravinsk)', chess, tennis drives a yellow "Bel Air Chevie'' horne to see and Bergen Evans .. tall Continental accent .. "Boots" ... Varsity foot bull captain ... loyal favorite expressions are "Our rigid social structure" member of the Preachers ... wonderful disposition. and "\Vhy, this is ridiculous!" 14.8
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