Page 156 - YB1951
P. 156
ELIZABETH L. SHIVERS WILLIAM H. SIMPSON "Betty" ... industrious blonde from Eastern Shore . loyal TO((I ••• hard worker on any committee , . famous for midnight typing for GOLf) BUG . Spicer enthusiast constant Dean's lister ruins math class curves always ready to second. third or fourth for bridge. oneeon looking for a high paying government juh. KATHERINE L. OLEW1LER SHOOK ALOYSIUS .!Ol·IN SKVAREK 2, 8, 4; C,,/lege Players 2, a. 4; SCA 3, 4; fnler.lorority Couocil. 3; lnl(l e,mll"a Argonauls .3, 4; £<;0110"';(,' Club: Della Pi Alrh'l, Irca.wrer4. "KillY". attractive blonde friendly and Better brown as "AI" blonde .. thoughtful churming personality ... eilicient student and a anotberof rhose eoon majors . Argonuutuud capable leader. dislikes insincerity and routine consistent. Dean's lister .. a Preacher who reallv ... favorite expression, "0 gosh, I'm tired!" .. works for the purple and gold ... charier member ardent saver of pennies left from "snacks" in the of the "Early A. 1\'\. Cuppa Coffee Grillers" . grill.. exeep uonally fine soprano ... ambition veteran .. gentleman with line tastes ... Washiog. to become voice teacher. remembered as ton bound after graduation for a job with the "Jenny" in Drnon. ill. /.1Ie Vrdley .. has planned a government. permanent duet with "Charlie:' NORMAN SLAMECKA GEORCE HANKYOUNG SHYN ArgoIHwl5 8, 4; Alpha Kappa Alpl", 3, 4; Me"' .. Chorus. Thin man in baggy tweeds ... junior transfer from Della Pi Alphll. Northwestern ... took time off to be a Marine ... George.. from Seoul . play acts as cnn- psych major with hopes for study in clinical field ducror of .. loves to study more than . always willing 10 defend the short side of he loves . "little Chopin" at the piano philosophical arguments "Cinderbock" of ... plans to go to medical school lnu can'r dectdc lunior Follies fame. seen with Bev which one. . ardent Preacher. doesn't say . likes life with a favorite much but when he does everyone sits up and takes expresaion-c-"] wonder say about notice. that.'" 152
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