Page 138 - YB1950
P. 138
"';".'/ row; ,\1. L. Sdl''''~e, ,\, Vall Order, A, Yeai-lev, J. Dennison. Sr-com/ ronr; J., Cuumann. D, Alexander, II. L. Robhius. I', xtoorc. 1 Hvdcr, R, !\llen, S. L Larmore. 1'. Lankford. Third row: K. Olcwilcr, V. Blake. M. 1::. SII,ilh, 1<;. erose. I'. SI"cy. INTERSORORITY COUNCIL The lruersorority Council consists of dle Second semester officers were: Lon Hyder, president, vice-president. and a junior repre- PI'esidcl/l>' Ruth Allen, Vicc-Presi dcnt.; Sara scmative from each of the four sororiucs on Lee Lar-more, Sr;c)"e/IfI,),-TrCII.I'llrer; Priscilla the Hill. The organization, which follows the Lankford, Soci«t Divcctar. As a pan 01: the policy of rotation of officers, had as first acmes- second semester activities, there was an inter- ter officers PaL Moore, PFe"iticnl; Bcu.y Lee sorority basketball tournament. Following Robbins, Vice-President, Dorothy Alexander, this was a bridge comcsr. Sccrctary-Trcusurcr: and Jane Cuumann, The spring season was filled with the rush \'will/ Director, teas and rush parries for the girls of the Fresh. \Vith the assistance or Miss Snader as fac- man Class, It was the duty of the Inter- ulty advisor, the Council started on its tirst sorority Council to schedule and regulate job, the regulation 0[' bidding procedures fOT thesc acuvuiccs. In May the lmcrsororny the first semester. Then, in order to raise Council joined with the lntcrfrnrerriitv Coun- money LO be used for intersorority activities, in sponsoring the Pan-Hellenic Dance, the Jntcrsorcriw Council sponsored a movie. This proved LO be one of the big events 01 At it tea given in January in rheir honor, the year, since. following a precedent set last Iota Gall'lrlla 01i received the lruersororny year, we again had a big name band, Scholarship Cup from t'rcsidcnr Ensor. l,~H
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