Page 94 - YB1949
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First Row: J. Ogden, J. Sause, M. Auld, H. Lindahl, A. Hardester, B. Sowers, A. Dixon; Second Row: S. Knepp, G. Seymour, B. Lenz, T. Kompanek, B. White, D. Alexander, J. Knox, A. Engler, M. Childs, K. Rice; Third Row: L. Orth, M. Thomas, M. Clossman, J. Gorsuch, B. Ranck, J. Damuth; Fourth Row: S. Garrison, G. Martin, F. Thomas, J. Lacount. THE ARGONAUTS President JEAN SAUSE cum laude." Sponsors of the organization are Vice-President JAMES OGDEN Dr. Evelyn Mudge and Dr. William R. Rid- Secretary BARBARA SOWERS ington. The Argonauts was founded in 1935 by Dr. Treasurer AUDREY DIXON Lloyd Bertholf and a group of students who were inspired by an ancient Greek legend. Ac- The Argonauts, Western Maryland's honor cording to this myth, a band of heroes set out society, promotes sound scholarship, gives in the ship "Argo" in search of the Golden recognition to high scholastic standing, and Fleece of Truth and Wisdom. From this the promotes fellowship between student and Argonauts derive both their name and purpose. faculty. The activities of this group are car- Events of this year included a talk by Dr. ried on by associate members, who are juniors Thomas F. Marshall, the annual tea in honor and seniors maintaining an over-all average of of those on the Dean's list, and the spring "B" or better. Full membership is granted to banquet, at which Dr. Elizabeth Nitchie of those who graduate "cum laude" or "summa Goucher College addressed the society: 90
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