Page 65 - YB1949
P. 65
I DAVID EDWIN TURNER GLADYS TURNER Major: History Major: Home Economics Day hop who is never seen on campus after Penetrating, roving, blue eyes that twinkle classes . . . spent one year with occupation when she smiles artist with the needle and army in Japan ... keen interest in photography in the kitchen conscientious ... almost al- ... even tempered with not much to say ... a ways willing to try the new ... naive way of future history teacher. saying things ... "Betty, let's rest our eyes." ... flowers for her mail box. MARY ADA STARR TWIGG DORIS VANSANT Major: Biology Major: Sociology and Psychology "Tata" ... always heard before she's seen, and Who's Who ... quiet and unassuming but always seen on fourth floor Blanche Ward ... dependable and indispensable to all ... con- vivacious day student with a Dan-dy person- vinced that sleeping is the second best time of ality ... divides afternoons between the chem- the day ... a constant week-ender on campus istry and biology labs in preparation for labora- . . . conscientious house president of Blanche tory technician work ... with Twigg friends Ward-"Our Mom" black cocker spaniels grow on trees. bring a tear to her eyes "You know it." 61
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