Page 62 - YB1949
P. 62
LOUISE STAGG SPITTEL Major: Major: English Personality plus . . . lover of pipes and great A fiend at collecting rare antiques ... an Eng- jazz played lead sax in Tex Beneke's Navy lish major ... can't resist cards and golf ... Band supplied W. M. C. with excellent friendly conversationalist and a good sense of swing band ... good jokes ... changed room- humor ... extremely good taste in clothes ... mates for a wife before beginning senior year does a little warbling with husband's band . . . . econ. major with eye on the selling world. BERTHA ELIZABETH STALEY WILMA LEE STEELE Major: Sociology and Psychology Major: History and Physical Education "Betty" ... our gracious Homecoming queen "Snitz" ... Dutch's other half ... can talk ... dresses' with distinction ... favorite pas- for hours about camp proud of earning time-long telephone conversations ... can be "M" in Junior year has a Scotchman's found sleeping any time of the day, after burn- temper when annoyed "Don't argue with ing midnite oils the little lady with the me" How does she keep up with three man-sized appetite favorite model of Wash- majors? active in all current sports ... ington photographers ... future social worker. half the brains of many Blanche Ward prac- tical jokes. 58
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