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I • LUTHER WIDERMAN SHEPHERD, JR. ANNE SHUPPER T Major: Biology Major: Music Southern accent ... takes scores of pictures Clever and witty argues playfully with her and develops his own fine love for horses, roommate, Norma forever just missing the especially, June Night frequent weekends Dean's List ... can be found down Levine home ... fond of that green '41 Pontiac ... anytime ... music teacher-to-be "I'll not ace reporter of the Southern Maryland Times marry for at least ten years." loves week- . . . "Turn off the light and go to bed!" ends; is always ready for a good time . ROGER W. SIMPKINS JEANETTE SIMPSON Major: Mathematics and Economics Major: English "The Lodger" ... math major ... ex-Navy Practice teaching in Bel Air ... likes music man ... ardent sack and chow-hound ... swell and poetry ... plans to get MRS. after gradua- frat man ... five minutes to "The Pit" from tion and teach for two or three years ... will the fourth section in "Black Beauty" ... fu- improve Penn. school system with her knowl- ture with "that's what Campbell's soups edge of core curriculum ... "One of the three" are ... " ... entertains in her room. • 56
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