Page 61 - YB1949
P. 61
RALPH DELA SMITH, JR. Major: Mathematics Major: Economics Twinkling eyes with a winning smile, par- "Reve" transfer student from Washington ticularly in the presence of a certain vet ... College well known for his witty puns . usually seen on the side steps ... sincere friend former Navy baker aboard a submarine . . . . math major with view for government work says he "needed the dough" ... all-round guy unless this interferes with marriage plans ... prexy of Gamma Beta Chi ... drinks at interest in art ... never misses breakfast. least fifteen cups of coffee every day. BARBARA JEWELL SOWERS JOHN TURNBULL SPICKNALL Major: English and Biology Major: Economics "Babs" ... always dashing for a practice room "Jack" ... best known as the "Sponge" ... probably the only biology major that has took time out from education for the Navy ... never touched a specimen ... has a deep ap- famous for his father's chapel talks ... active preciation for all the finer things of life- in sports, especially bridge . . . goalie on the Brahms, Browning, and big thick pretzels soccer team ... proud of his slice on the golf even-tempered and thoughtful. course ... liked by all his many friends. 57
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