Page 188 - YB1949
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First Row: T. Fletcher, B. Hubert, R. Fringo, W. Ehlers, L. Justice, C. Pferdeort, K. Tyson; Second Row: C. Hipkins, J. Ammon, R. Derragon, P. Peshkoff, C. Rill, J. Ogden, L. Fry, C. White, I. Zepp, J. Shannon, C. Franko, E. Wright. WESLEYANS FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER President WILLIAM EHLERS President THEODORE QUELCH Vice-President LINCOLN JUSTICE Vice-President RUSSELL DERAGAN Secretary ROBERT FRINGO Secretary JOHN ISAAC The Wesleyans, a fellowship of undergradu- In cooperation with the Wesleyanettes, the ate men who plan to enter the ministry or group conducted a. regular worship service at some other field of Christian service, is now the Methodist Home for the Aged every Sun- in its seventh year of official existence on "The day evening. Hill." Its membership, which has been greatly The annual banquet held in May was the augmented in the past three years, now ap- highlight of the group's activities. This year, proximates thirty-three. for the first time, the organization has actively Mr. John Bayley Jones serves as adviser to the group, which holds weekly meetings in the participated in the college intramural sport Chapel of the Westminster Seminary. These program. Through the fellowship gained there- meetings consist of a brief period of worship by, the Wesleyans hope to go forth to serve followed by discussion of some problem facing with a deepened faith, wider sympathies, and a the student preparing for a life of service in the greater understanding of the needs of their name of Christianity. fellow men. 182
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