Page 184 - YB1949
P. 184
THE STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Every year things change-at least in the This year gave us the best World Student Student Christian Association. Drive the campus has ever had-our goal of We began the year with the commission $1200 all but realized. The movie and bazaar type of program and used it for one semester. held in connection with the drive were bot However, we didn't feel that our program was the most successful ever held. reaching enough students and so decided to CARE packages were sent to Europe change and adopt a unified program, the the very able assistance and encouragement of planning of which was to be handled by the Mrs. Jefferson and the girls of McDaniel. president, the vice-president, and the four com- Then down to Religious Emphasis week mission chairmen. This way the association which was ended by the big Student Christian has the opportunity to present speakers, forums, barn dance held in Blanche Ward gym. This discussions and movies before the whole meet- then, is the program we built around our basic ing. At the same time individual participa- convictions that religion is normal, and a very tion is encouraged. definite part of our everyday activities. 178
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